Where are the Satellite Stations Located?

The Satellite Stations will be located in Disston, Rat Creek, and Shoreline. (Shoreline location TBD) on leased properties for $1.00 a year for each location.

2024-03-15T07:31:34-07:00March 15, 2024|

How are Satellite the Stations Funded?

The satellite stations funding is thanks to the generous donations by Weyerhaeuser and Woodard Family Foundation. (These buildings are basic portable cost-effective buildings.) The property owners have donated their [...]

2024-03-15T13:52:23-07:00March 15, 2024|

Can the New Fire District Fight Structural Fires?

Yes! RR Firefighters are certified and have been fighting structural fires starting January 2024. RR Volunteer Firefighters are in training to respond to structural fires in the standard capacities [...]

2024-03-15T07:04:56-07:00October 25, 2023|

What is Mutual Aid, and how does it work?

What is Mutual Aid? Oregon Fire Mutual Aid System The Oregon Fire Mutual Aid System (OFMAS) is a term used to describe fire response in the state at all levels: [...]

2024-03-15T07:12:54-07:00October 25, 2023|

What is the Row River Rural Fire District?

Row River Rural Fire District is a special district as determined by Oregon State Law; it is pending a majority "Yes" vote outcome by voters in the proposed district [...]

2023-10-25T11:48:58-07:00October 25, 2023|

What is Row River Fire Response (501c3)?

Row River Fire Response or RRFR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit association formed on Octuber 27, 2022, to obtain grants and assistance from the state of Oregon, Lane County and [...]

2024-08-14T08:33:12-07:00October 24, 2023|
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