10/13/2022 Minutes
Row River Valley Fire Response or Row River Fire Response
(Help decide a new name for this group!) Send in your vote or suggestion!
Attendance at Dorena School: Bec, Jennifer, John, Scott, Katherine, Reta, and Walt (on line)
Zoom Meeting with Jordan Pollack
- 30 yrs of fire fighter experience
- Business helps small communities develop fire abatement system that fits needs
Walt and committee recap of our group and goals:
- Location – 25 miles along a long narrow river valley
- Nearest fire protection from South Lane Fire District with a 30+ minute wait time
- Surrounded by private, state and national timberland
- Always fire danger but last 5 years more home involved fires
- 4 years ago 4 homes burned to ground – from wildfire
- Last year another home burned – chimney – spread stopped by fire trailers
- Lots of arson fires of abandoned autos – spread stopped by fire trailers
- McKenzie Valley – too much like our unprotected area –
- Perceived problems:
- No 911 without an individual contract with SLFD
- 30+ minute delay for fire help and then only with direct contract with SLFD
- 25 fire trailers around the valley – so far kept fires under control
- No training
- No Personal Protection Equipment
- No viable way to dispatch trailers
- no means of communication in the field
- No liability insurance
- No guarantee if any or how many will show up
- Can’t call 911 must use an informal phone tree
- No training or skills in interior house fire fighting
- Experience in creating special districts, volunteer brigades
- All Special Districts started as volunteer
- Decatur Islands in San Juan – 3 fire trailers but have connection to 911 (pagers)
- $60 hour but will tailor to needs
- Trainings
- FireWise -teach community volunteers to assess properties & guide homeowners
- Defensible homes – Hardening Structures – placing Sprinklers
- Determining well/pump capacity for sprinklers
- Exterior fire fighting with garden hoses and trailers
- Firefighter safety #1 priority
- Sit down with South Lane Fire District – Willing to annex?
- Everyone must vote and agree
- Get a 501c3
- Check with Douglas County Fire Protection regarding volunteer brigades
- Public Education – teach people not to have a fire
- Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, safe practices
- Create 2 teams: prevention educators and responders
Walt: Cost?
- Jordan will provide a list of training proposals and costs and equipment costs.
Scott: Fire Trailers need to be inspected if under a 501c3?
- Jordan: not as important under nonprofit but work toward
Group Discussion:
- Walt: All 3 of Jordan’s references felt he is worth more than he costs.
- We could get specific training through his group and others for free from other places.
- John: Jordan talked about wildland fires. That is a place for us to start our focus but not the end. We must also look at other kinds of fires in the future.
- Scott: We need to sell the concept that initial quick response to wildland fire is essential to keeping the fire from spreading to homes.
- But we must address protecting property and houses to get the community to vote in favor.
- Goal #1 = training and insurance
- Walt: Interior firefighting takes 6 people to send 2 into the fire + lots of training. Most small fire districts do not do interior fires. With an agreement with SLFD, maybe they could be the ones to do that.
- Our focus would be on exterior – preventative.
- Scott: Needs to be sold as “slow down the fire until SLFD gets here” and not our job to save it all.
- Walt: Lorraine was volunteer – 501c3 then became special district. They had a pager system agreement with 911 (Loraine got the dispatch which automatically went to SLFD, too) They also had radios.
- Katherine: “Baby steps” will be best. We can establish some trust and inclusion for the community to see what we can do to help each other and the value of becoming a full district later.
- Walt: We need training and communication equipment.
- John: The community needs to understand that this is only a beginning to provide some protection and fire mitigation now. The purpose is to continue pursuing the creation of a special district or annex which requires a vote.
Bec: Fund Raiser at School – Fire Fair –
- share information about this group
- invite other groups with information helpful for fire safety
- Raffle tickets/ dinner/ etc.
- After we apply for nonprofit status
Reta: We need to make a decision about the 501c3
- Scott: There are cheaper ways
- Jennifer: having a lawyer do it would help in public confidence
- Katherine: participated in creating one – never again! The trainings from the Nonprofit Law group would be an asset..
- Walt: Willing to loan $2500 to get started. We need to pay 1/2 before they start and rest in installments.
- Reta: Willing to loan $1000
Vote called: Pay Center for NonProfit Law to form a 501c3 organization using a loan from Walt, Reta and other donors to be repaid at a later date by the 501c3;
- All 7 in favor
Action: Walt will contact the Center for Nonprofit Law and get it started.
Establish a Board: 8 Voting board members
- Walt Bernard
- Scott Byler
- Jennifer Ferraez
- John Kirk
- Katherine Reinecke
- Reta Cochrane
- Kathleen Istudor
- Bec McCoy
Name Suggestions: Row River Valley Fire Response
Later Kris (Walt’s wife) suggested Row River Fire Response
Email voting:
- Row River Fire Response: Walt, Jennifer, Kathleen, Reta
- Row River Valley Fire Response:
Webpage: RowRiverValley.com
All committee minutes are there.
The web page could be developed to include Water Board and other groups.
Next regular meeting: 5:30, November 11, 2022 at Katherine and Kirk Reinecke home