Dorena Lake, Row River Area
Dorena, Oregon
Did You Know?
Thank you
Congratulations to the Row River Community for voting in the special rural fire protection district!
Before May 2024, the Row River Fire Response, a non-profit 501(c)(3), took on the mantle of the interim firefighting organization. Now that the Row River Rural Fire Protection District (RRRFPD) has been formed, we can more fully focus to the enhancement, well-being, and quality of life for the citizens of the Row River Valley.
To more accurately identify our new mission, we have changed our name to:
Row River Community Partnership
To visit the new Fire District Website, click on the button below:

Volunteer organization for and by the Row River Community in Disston, Culp Creek, and Dorena.

Safe community through prevention, preparedness, and effective emergency response.

United, our community grows stronger, facing challenges with strength and determination.